Monday, 1 July 2013

This time it's personal...

 OK - if you’re bloodthirsty for political comment today you may look elsewhere. This one’s personal. Since yesterday I’ve been bursting - the Collins clan has been bursting - with family pride in our dear and lovely daughter/sister Phoebe. Not content with notching a BA Hons at Oxford (Balliol) and working for several years in the fiery hell of the London media, she did a screeching hand-brake turn to her life four years ago and yesterday emerged as a medical doctor. As you all know, I’m normally the shyest and most modest of men but since yesterday I'm incandescent in delight over the sweetest and smartest daughter a man could wish for. Maith thú, Phoebe!

Tomorrow, le cuidiú Dé, back to the battlements, ...


  1. Well done Phoebe.Good to have another Dr in the family!!

  2. Comhghairdeas, Phoebe. Tá sin go iontach. I'm not surprised you are proud, Jude.

  3. Congratulations Jude, how fantastic that your daughter has achieved so much, however, I suspect her journey isn't over.

  4. Congratulations Jude, and congratulations to a remarkable young woman named Phoebe.

  5. I note your old sparring partner Malachi O'Doherty has received a Doctorate from Queens.Doctors everywhere !

  6. Nothing so gratifying Jude, congrats to all of you

  7. Must take after her mother with the brains and looks buíochas le Dia (goa)
