Thursday, 20 June 2013

I get a kicking


  1. The audioboo title looks a bit like the headline completion bit on 'Have I Got News For You'...

  2. Some people missing the point here? It seems if you are a multimillionaire art dealer and you are caught on camera breaking the law just trot down to your local police station and receive a police caution. Now imagine a plumber who takes her wife down the local pub and does the same thing Charlie did to Nigella and is caught on CCTV cameras do you think he would get the same treatment from the law I don't think so.

  3. Well, if you will stick your head in the lions mouth, it's gonna bite.. ;-) [blog on your ideology in education coming up on Slugger btw...]

  4. Anon 16:28 - agreed. Part of the reason I mentioned the money thing.

  5. Mick - good to see you keeping up the quality among visitors...Actually you've no idea how many interesting things there are to see inside that mouth. Will check your ideology in ed.

  6. Jude Collins is a stupid ignorant man who got his commuppance on the Nolan Show

    He grabs any opportunity to get the spotlight on himself and his comment re Nigella shows what he is.Violence is never justified.

  7. Chin up Jude. I love reading your blogs and agree with 95% of your analysis. Don't let the bs get you down.

  8. I see you have even reached the news pages of your beloved Irish News today.Some have greatness thrust upon them!!

  9. I don't think Jude wad trying to justify violence. Rather he was demonstrating his contempt for both parties in this affair. J

  10. Most wife beaters don't need to be goaded,provoked or even "triggered" ,they usually just have a cowardly bully mentality and can lash out violently at any given moment just because they can,it's more a power thing than a reaction to any perceived slight.
