Saturday, 22 June 2013

A call from the VO

Two days ago my phone rang. Guess what? It was the VO. Well, you could have knocked me down with a bag of spuds. It’s not every day I get a VO call.  My first over-heated thought was, it must be The Editor, speaking for some reason in a falsetto voice, come on bended knee to beg me to come back and raise the tone of his organ once again. But then I stopped being hysterical and realised it wasn’t The Editor but one of his reporters, wanting to talk to me about that blog I’d done on the multi-millionaires at the fashionable restaurant.  That’s right - the one that ended in   a woman on the Nolan show  telling me I was  “a very, very, very rude and stupid man!”. Which goes to show, you can deceive all of the people some of the time”, etc, etc.

Anyway, back to the interview. Maybe you saw it in the VO. I broke a habit and bought a copy myself, and yes,  I’m afraid I’m going to have to sue,  Not because it quoted me as saying that Nigella goaded Charles into his physical assault ( later, more accurately, it modified that to ‘could well have goaded’,  which is different). Not even because it referred to me as “Mr Collins”. No,  the High Court trial will centre on the fact that they published a photograph of me wearing a moustache -  one of those tight-trimmed jobs, much-loved at one time by RUC personnel. One glance at that photo  has dented my self-esteem to the point where I may never be the same again. And it’s not just me; there are all those innocent VO readers out there, thousands of them, who may have glanced at the image and exposed themselves to deep and permanent emotional damage.  

My people will be in touch with your people, VO. Public health and safety is at risk here and a line must be drawn.


  1. Just as a matter of public interest,when was the moustache shaved off?Your followers need to know such important details!! Good to see you in the Irish News again,albeit in a different role!

  2. Anon 14:10 - I am not now nor have I ever been the owner of a moustache. This is a black arts smear attempting to discredit me...

  3. why is the tune to YMCA running through my head right now? lol

  4. The world needs to know the identity of this imposter whose moustachioed face appeared beside the article on you in the Irish News.The picture editor in that paper must be held to account!

  5. Totally agree, Anon 19:43 - clearly a crime against humanity...

  6. what is the VO?

  7. Anonymous 13 18
    It's Judes affectionate name for the Irish News.Deep down,he must still have feelings for it!
