Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ding-dong: the sound of democracy

The one thing you have to admire in people is consistency, even when you disagree with them on  other things. There was a shining example of same on TV a few days ago. 

As you’ve probably noticed, there’s been some nervousness and even consternation in Tory ranks over the fact that the song “Ding, dong, the witch is dead” has been surging up the charts. “Lacking in respect” “Bad manners” “Tasteless” were the kind of words used to describe it. So should the BBC  (especially) play it as part of their pop chart programme or should it, in the interests of respect/manners/taste,  be omitted? Well, Auntie came up with the answer: they’d play about five seconds of it and then have a chap explain why it would be lacking in respect and the rest of it to play the whole thing.

And the consistency part? It came from a Conservative MP. In his thirties, I’d have said. Missed his name. But he said no, no, no - the song should be aired in full. Mrs Thatcher wouldn’t have gone down the BBC road. She believed in democracy and a core part of  democracy is not to censor out stuff just because you don’t like it.  The song mightn’t be complimentary to Mrs Thatcher but she’d have been the first to insist on its right to be aired. 

That’s a tough stance to take but a consistent one. Have to hand it to Mrs Thatcher on that one, wouldn't you say?. ...What’s that? You’re an actor?  So? ...And you used to make quite a good living.  Glad to hear it. On the radio and TV. I see. As a voice-over for when anybody from Sinn Féin came on. Right. So why were you required to do this voice-over?... You’re kidding. Really? The whole party was censored from being heard?  For SIX WHOLE YEARS? Geddoutahere!  Whose bright idea was this? I mean, who were the government at the time?...I see. The Conservatives. Led by Margaret Thatcher, eh? Mmm. OK. Well, there you are now. Funny old world.


  1. Refreshing honesty from George Galloway MP-- and also from Finian Cunningham-- Should there not be a mass shout of Ding Dong organised to coincide with her carcass being lowered down?

    1. Carcass? You are clearly a fine representative of humanity.
      She was a human being.

    2. Ding Dong the witch is dead,,hee hee hee, haa haa haa. "Rejoice", she said after the killing of Argentine saiolrs sailing away from the exclusion zone, "Mandela was a Terrorist" etc, she protected Pinochet, she protected her criminal son (12 million bung from arms contracts & tax evasion etc etc). Carcass is too good a term for such a monster. She showed the working classes no mercy & should be judged on her dismal record. Cut the moral bullshit you sanctimonious cxxt & join in the chorus..Ding Dong the witch is dead........................

    3. Join the baying mob? No thanks. You have my pity.

  2. Sure is ironic. Here's a couple more for you, Jude.

    Former PIRA Commander, Martin McGuinness, who gave orders to shoot British soldiers in the British occupied 6 counties, calling those who shot a couple of British soldiers in the still British occupied 6 counties, "Traitors."

    Former PIRA Commander, Martin McGuinness, saying at Bloody Sunday Inquiry that he cannot be expected to know every IRA Volunteer. Fast forward to this weekends Sinn Fein Ard Fheis and Former PIRA Commander, Martin McGuinness, is questioning why he DIDN'T know all these 30,40 and 50 year old current IRA members.

    Current Sinn Fein MP for West Belfast saying it is hard to comprehend how anyone can kill someone at their work when the other half of the Republican Movement did it on an almost daily basis only a few years ago.

    And I have saved the best for last. Gerry Adams claiming that Margaret Thatcher brought untold suffering to the Irish and the British people.

    Irony or hypocrisy? Your call, Jude.

  3. Perhaps the thousands that were scarred by Provo terrorism across the United Kingdom (which DOES include Northern Ireland, just in case there are still some delusional cases out there) should launch a campaign to get the song 'Be Healthy', by Dead Prez, to the top of the chart to celebrate the anniversaries of the deaths of Sands and the rest of his Provo cohorts. Then again, perhaps not. Why lower ourselves to the level of the scum we saw celebrating the passing of the most electorally successful Prime Minister of the 20th Century. We're better bred than that!

    1. Better inbred. There is nobody as 'delusional' as the british travellers' who need to erect union jacks on every lamp post,like a dog marking its territory, which smacks of a desperate display of insecurity imo. If the 'union' is 'secure' why all the insecurity??

    2. '......who need to erect union jacks on every lamp post...imo.'

      An opinion that is clearly worth nothing other than ridicule for completely avoiding answering the points I made earlier. As for being 'better inbred', I think the evolution and political culture of south Armagh down the decades rather disputes that analysis.

    3. You couldnt find a better class of people than the people of s.armagh. If there were more people like them in the north then perhaps the troubles wouldnt have lasted as long as it did. If those 'provo terrorists' had used drones,cruise missiles etc{like terrorist governments do} to target their enemy would that have been justifiable with you??

    4. A better class of people? LOL! That's like commending Denis Nilsen because he was awarded a General Service Medal.

    5. Nothing unusual about the british awarding medals to serial killers';theyve been doing it in occupied Ireland for years albeit they tend to be the serial killer in khaki uniform type. Ian thain,Lee Clegg and the bloodysunday/ballymurphy killer have done ok. They are no doubt issuing a few more medals to their 'heroes' troops in afghanistan etc in the present day. Thats when/if they are not too busy giving awards to their perverted friends like jimmy savile and his circle. Classy??? I'll have the salt of the earth, that is, the people of s.armagh anytime if you dont mind.Go raibh mile maith agat

  4. And then there's Pinochet...
