One of the marks of a civilized society is a free press. Free to print any headline they like. You'll remember when Gerry Adams resigned his Westminster seat, the press had great fun with headlines about how he now was a baron or something like that, because if you resigned a seat at Westminster they gave you one, whether you wanted it or not. How we all laughed!
Now Martin McGuinness has resigned and the free press have swung into action once more, as only they can:
Martin McGuinness accepts title to resign as MP
McGuinness rejects title after resignation from Commons
Sometimes, in your anxiety to take a swing at a fellah, you can fall head over arse. Nice one, guys.
It's great to have a free press sush as the "Andersonstown News".No question of any political line being peddled there!!! I'm sure Martin is more relaxed about these headlines than you appear to be.