Monday, 7 January 2013

A brief chat about tit-for-tatters

Q: You actually seen some of these flag demonstrators/rioters in action?

A: No, but I’ve read reports about their actions - and the response of politicians. And of course there are the telly reports. 

Q: So the media are keeping you posted on what’s happening?

A: Yep.

Q: And what to make of it.

A: Yep.

Q: Example, please.

A: Well, last night on RTÉ News there were clips of rioters pelting the cops and Tommie Gorman came on at the end with a sum-up commentary.

Q: That’s interesting. What’d he say?

A: Well I don’t recall the exact wording but I think he talked about ‘two tribes’ and about how there was a lack of sensitivity on either side. 

Q: Is that a fact. And what was your response?

A: How d’you mean?

Q: Did you accept the report in its entirety?

A: But of course. Why? Are  you suggesting someone in RTÉ is telling lies?

Q: No, no, no. It’s just I'm a bit uneasy with that part about the two tribes and the lack of sensitivity on both sides.

A:  Sure isn’t he right? One side’s as bad as the other.

Q: So assuming the two sides you refer to are the unionists/loyalists and the republicans/nationalists, they’re equally guilty of creating this particular mess?

A: Well yes. The republicans/nationalist (plus Alliance, of course) tore the flag down and the unionists/loyalists responded.

Q: So a democratic decision by Belfast City Council to fly the flag on 17 specific occasions each year, including the queen’s birthday,  is equivalent to burning cars, stoning police, issuing death threats?

A: Well, no, but...

Q: But what?

A: But -  Oh my God,  I’ve just realised I’m late for an appointment at my local Brain salon.

Q: Are you getting much done?

A: Ah no - just a brain wash and blow dry.

Q: Sounds fun. 

A: It is. And it’s so much easier than hurting your head thinking for yourself. 


  1. Now, now, don't be letting the facts and reality spoil the perfectly good 2 tribes sectarian patter that covers every and any occasion...

    ...or journos might actually have to start working for a living and explaining the nuances and intricacies of Norn Iron on a case by case basis - God Forbid!!!

  2. Spot on! When will the truth be told? Even people down here are brainwashed by media (sitting on the fence) coverage and they swallow it wholesale.
    Or have we turned a page with the usually Unionist, anti-public service Indo producing a very unusual and untypical piece which will not be welcomed by some of the sheep that will read it!
    MPG .....

  3. Thought I was the only one that had noticed = should have known better. It was a totally biased report. Shame on RTE and Tommie Gorman.

  4. Jude
    What he actually said was that our politicians tend to look out for the interests of their own tribe first and foremost.
    Hardly controversial I would have thought.
    On the rioting the report seemed pretty unequivocal to me.

  5. RTE is tabloid TV posing as heavyweight journalism and,as Jude's article infers, not for those with any sense of independent thought. D

  6. I think the two tibes comments related to the fact that the loyalist protestors were attacked by republican/nationalist youths on their way home from the protest outside city hall last night.
    Never let the truth get in the way of a good rant though, eh Jude ?

    1. This sh*te is entirely about Unionism, their lack of leadership, their lack of vision and their insecurities - the only way they can see out is by sucking in the other side, once it evolves into a two tribes scenario, that'll be grand -no loss of face...

  7. "I think the two tibes comments related to the fact that the loyalist protestors were attacked by republican/nationalist youths on their way home from the protest outside city hall last night.
    Never let the truth get in the way of a good rant though, eh Jude ?"

    Yeah look at when Jude posted this.. 07/01/13.. at 11.58am .
    You my friend are the one letting the truth get in the way of a good rant by refering to events that happened after this blog was posted.
    Ah but sure nothing beats a bit of whataboutery.

  8. A broken clock is right twice a day.... Or in the case with the north every second hour...
