Friday, 14 September 2012

Who dat?

No post today - just a teaser. Identify all the faces on this book cover.  Results tomorrow.


  1. Why are there no contributions from members of the S D L P in the book?As might be expected there are more views sought from those with a Sinn Fein outlook(Danny Morrison,Mary Lou Mc Donald,Robert Ballagh,Niall O 'Dowd).It seems strange that a representative of Eirigi is thought to have more value as a contributor than a constitutional nationalist.But it's your book and I suppose you choose who you like.

  2. Still waiting on the results!

  3. Sorry. Top, L to R: Mary Lou McDonald, Eoghan Harris, Fr Brian D'Arcy, Tim Pat Coogan, Roddy Doyle.
    From Mary Lou, going down the left sideL Bernadette McAliskey, Danny Morrison, Owen Paterson, Brian Leeson, Nuala O'Loan, Jim Allister. From Jim A, L to R : Gregory Campbell, Enda Kenny, Davy Adams. Above Davy: Robert Ballah; above Enda, Niall O'Dowd; above Gregory, Ian Paisley Jr. Sin é...
