This morning’s Venerable Organ isn’t concerned with children – it deals with politicians. Its front-page headline is very excited at the fact that Michael McGimpsey and Gerry Adams are the two lowest-attenders at Stormont debates, and that top of the class for attendance is (no, don’t laugh) the SDLP’s Patsy McGlone. Just as a child could be in class every day the school’s open and still be as much value to the situation as a bulb with no electricity, so too with attendance at a political forum. John Hume knew that, which is why he hardly ever bothered to turn up at Westminster during his years as an MP. He knew that his presence wouldn’t change a blind thing and that he could serve his constituents better by being elsewhere doing other things.
Poor Patsy. The Venerable Organ has devoted at least three full pages to the virtues of attendance and in doing so has filled the Mid-Ulster MLA’s head with cruelly-misleading ideas about what matters and sad to say, poor Patsy will in all probability believe them. Some newspapers shouldn’t be let near politicians.
Patsy McGlone the deputy leader of the SDLP is a member of this Facebook page encouraging Fianna Fail to run candidates in next years elections.
I think Patsy was a delegate at talks which led to Good Friday Agreement and was a delegate to Forum of Peace and Reconciliation in December 2002.